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Happy Birthday Bilder

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Happy Birthday Bilder

“People don’t need love. What they need is success in one form or another. It can be love but it needn’t be.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“That was all a man needed: hope. It was lack of hope that discouraged a man.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“It was like the beginning of life and laughter. It was the real meaning of the sun”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“She was desperate and she was choosey,
at the same time and, in a way, beautiful, but she didn’t have quite enough going for her to become what
she imagined herself to be.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“I was a man who thrived on solitude; without it I was like another man without food or water. Each day without solitude weakened me. I took no pride in my solitude; but I was dependent on it. The darkness of the
room was like sunlight to me.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“My ambition is handicapped by laziness”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“I´ve given you my time. Its all I´ve got to give – its all any man has. And for a pitiful buck and a quarter an hour.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“The apartment was built at the edge of a high cliff so that when you looked out the back window it seemed as if you were twelve floors up instead of four. It was very much like living on the edge of the world – a last resting place before the final big drop.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“Have you ever been in love?”
“Love is for real people.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“Even the most horrible human being on earth deserves to wipe his ass.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“Baby,” I said, “I’m a genius but nobody knows it but me.”

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She looked down at me. “Get up off the floor you damn fool and get me a drink.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“She was desperate and she was choosey at the same time and, in a way, beautiful, but she didn’t have quite enough going for her to become what she imagined herself to be.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“I kept telling myself that all the women in the world weren´t whores, just mine.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“A woman is a full time job. You have to choose your profession.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“You bitch,” I whispered, “I love you.” Then I came.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“I got up and walked back to my roominghouse. The moonlight was bright. My footsteps echoed in the empty street and it sounded as if somebody was following me, I looked around. I was mistaken. I was quite alone.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“I remembered my New
Orleans days, living on two five-cent candy bars a day for weeks at a time in order to have leisure to
write. But starvation, unfortunately, didn’t improve art. It only hindered it. A man’s soul was rooted in
his stomach. A man could write much better after eating a porterhouse steak and drinking a pint of
whiskey than he could ever write after eating a nickel candy bar. The myth of the starving artist was a
― Charles Bukowski.

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“I always started a job with the feeling that I’d soon quit or be fired, and this gave ma a relaxex manner that was mistaken for intelligence or some secret power.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“It was the first time i had been alone for five days. I was a man who thrived on solitude; without it I was like another man without food or water. Each day without solitude weakened me. I took no pride in my solitude; but I was dependent on it. The darkness of the room was like sunlight to me.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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“Yes?’ he asked, looking at me over the sheet.
‘I’m a writer temporarily down on my inspirations.’
‘Oh, a writer, eh?’
‘Are you sure?’
‘No, I’m not.’
‘What do you write?’
‘Short stories mostly. And I’m halfway through a novel.’
‘A novel, eh?’
‘What’s the name of it?’
‘”The Leaky Faucet of My Doom.”‘
‘Oh, I like that. What’s it about?’
‘Everything? You mean, for instance, it’s about cancer?’
‘How about my wife?’
‘She’s in there too.”
― Charles Bukowski.

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